Thursday, February 21, 2013

Small Basic Program - Bouncing Pong Ball!

Hi.  I recently descovered Small Basic, and, man I have wanted to program video games since the bloody late 70's early 80's, sine I had an Atari VCS console and I have never, EVER, gotten close to doing it, until I started on Small Basic like 2 days ago.  Not that I haven't learned a grip of blasted programming languages, like not for lack of trying.  I've worked on like 5 different high level programming languages over the years, like in depth, and I never not even ONCE got anything like a game to run, NOT EVEN CLOSE!  Sure, tons of website and dos examples and shit, no games though.  Weird.  Kinda sad, really.  Like what's my trip?  I just thought you might like to know that, hehe, ah, huh?  Anyhoo, Heres my bouncing pong ball type thing that just bounces a ball around a window.  Cool.  I worked on it for like all night and it's 7:57 and I wanted to share.  It has no comments because my comments were too long and descriptive and explanitory, so, hopefully you can just figure it out without any help.  After looking at some code on the Small Basic web site, I'm sure I'll catch all kinds of flak for writing something so simple, but anyway, here it is.  One last thing, you can get Small Basic on the Microsoft website, I'm thinking they mostly, like if you're Mac or Linux, you don't want it, not really sure though.  Link:  Link for games to copy and paste and run in Small Basic:  Link for online previews of books on Small Basic:  There is a reference book on there that is helpful for those already familiar with any kind of programming language.  There are some other sources out there on SB and they are pirate, so, if you can find it it's yours.  Anyway, here's the code:

GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "Black"
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.Width = 640
GraphicsWindow.Height = 480
Ball = Shapes.AddRectangle(16, 16)
x = 0
y = 0
ModifierX = 1
ModifierY = 1
  x = x + ModifierX
  y = y + ModifierY
  If (x = 0) Then
    ModifierX = 1
    Goto RunLoop
  If (y = 0) Then
    ModifierY = 1
    Goto RunLoop
  If (x = 630) Then
    ModifierX = -1
    Goto RunLoop
  If (y = 470 Or y = 471) Then
    ModifierY = -1
    Goto RunLoop
  Shapes.Move(Ball, x, y)
  If (y < 630) Then
    Goto RunLoop

Painfully simple, I know, but exciting never the less. Nobody ever comments on this blog, but if you have one then comment away, I guess, I mean why not? and all. Nobody sees this shit, ever, not like I care overly one way or the other, but it's out there, anyway.  OK, Cheers, X.